2 Ways to Quickly End a Bad Trip or High Experience
2 Ways to Quickly End a Bad Trip or High Experience
Smoking pot is undoubtedly one of nature’s greatest experiences because of how different it is compared to other types of smokables, edibles, or drinkables out there.
Whether you’ve been smoking, drinking, eating, or ingesting the “devil’s lettuce” for a while now or have gotten your feet wet in the experience, you might be well-aware of all the nuances involved. From choosing the right type of weed to get high with to picking out the best M&M Tech bong for your needs, smoking weed is as packed with details as it is with great memories and experiences!
While it may be a no-brainer that getting high is one of the best experiences that life has to offer, there’s one downside to smoking doobies: Experiencing a bad high.
There’s such a thing as a bad high?
Although it may seem more of a myth than a sheer reality at first, the truth about bad highs is that they’re common and far more agonizing than you’d ever expect. Until you actually get to experience a bad trip first-hand, veteran stoners will probably tell you all about the dreaded days where being high put them in a place that they never wanted to be.
With constant bouts of dry mouth, headaches, unstoppable paranoia, “cottonmouth," and dehydration, it’s easy to see why bad highs are any stoner’s nightmare. However, it’s worth noting that there is no way to bounce back from a bad high unless you pull the ejector lever or press the escape button during your trip.
How can you come down faster from your bad trip?
Among the different urges that you’ll end up feeling when you experience a bad high, one of the most prominent things that you’ll have is the desire to get off immediately. Thankfully, you can get out of a bad situation where you have begun to feel all the repercussions by using these “panic button” methods to your advantage:
Trip-ender method #1: Get in the shower
One of the fastest ways to cut a bad trip short is to head to the bathroom, run the heater, and go for a quick shower!
Typically, veterans of the marijuana world will say that a quick shower or bath is the best method for countering a poor experience because of how well it counteracts THC’s overwhelming effects. When you take a shower, you’ll be able to relax your mind, loosen your muscles up, and get back into a peaceful state of mind without putting much effort or packing on additional stress!
Trip-ender method #2: Drink water and satisfy your munchies
Aside from dunking yourself in some water, another great way to pull the plug on a terrible nightmare trip is to drink some water and eat some great food to get back in the right headspace.
The magic behind the bad trip-killing effects of eating and drinking water is that a sudden intake of nutrients and fluids will help the body flush out THC faster or transfer it to another source it can latch to on its way out. As a bonus, you can ingest some THC-killing ingredients like lemon juice and black pepper if you’re in an even bigger rush to get out of your trip!
Having a bad high is something that no one wants to experience when they simply want to enjoy smoking pot. Thankfully, keeping the two methods mentioned above in mind and using them in case you find yourself in a rather terrible situation will help pull you out when you need an escape route the most!
Are you looking for an option that suits your pot-smoking needs? Have a look at our wide range of micro dab rigs, water pipes, downstems, and headys by visiting our store and placing your order today!
Is there a cannabis enthusiast who hasn’t used a bong?
The whole idea behind M&M Tech! is LESS is more. Cannabis users shouldn’t have to need dozens of different percolators —especially in the 2000s, 2010s, 2020s and beyond.
You should be able to simplify your smoking routine, and pare down to just a few items that allow you to have your best sesh. That’s why our ice catch water bongs, are perfect for HUGE rips and amazing flavors! and our line of honeycomb percolators—known as “Lattices”—that are hand woven and provide the most amazing flavors ever
At M&M Tech!, we say “less is more as we sesh.” Our line is a super unique and hand made it can replace everything in your scientific glass collection
M&M Tech waterbongs come in a variety of colors and tube thickness. They start as low as $77 each and sold on the M&M Tech website.
M&M Tech products come in many styles to suite your needs from dabs to dry herbs. M&M Tech Starter Beaker , a small durable beaker featuring a ice pinch for cool, flavorful hits for dab or herbs; M&M Tech Fortress Beaker, a super thick glass bong for the most clumsiest of hands;M&M Tech Lattice OG, an hand made lattice percolator disc for maximum diffusion, cooling, and best flavors, when having a sesh