4 Ways to Dab Cannabis Concentrates
4 Ways to Dab Cannabis Concentrates
Most people have heard about taking cannabis through smoking it in a pipe or ingesting it through edibles, but there are other ways to enjoy the herb, like smoking dabs. It can seem intimidating at first, but once you familiarize yourself with the process, you’ll be smoking like a pro in no time.
Before you get started, it’s important to first know what dabs are. They are concentrated doses of cannabis that come in the form of sticky oils but contain all the goodness of the plant itself, like THC and other cannabinoids. They come in different consistencies and they can be taken in a variety of ways. Here are four ways to dab:
This is an elongated object with a fine, sharp tip that is used to pick up a dab of cannabis concentrate. Afterward, this is placed on a heated surface on an oil rig pipe or to the nail. A dabber is made out of various materials, like glass, ceramic, or metal, and can have many different shapes like a spoon, ballpoint, or even a paddle. The shape that’s best for you is dependent on the consistency and texture of the concentrate you’ll be dabbing.
Dab Rig and Nail
A dab rig is a water pipe that resembles a bong, but it has been specially designed to consume dabs. It is also outfitted with a nail, which is a shallow dish similar to a regular bong, but this holds the concentrate instead. The most common nail that can be found today is the quartz banger, which is shaped like a bucket, although there are other ceramic and titanium variants available. Coordination is key when using a dab rig and nail, as you’ll need to make sure they are the right size. If you have a rig that is 18mm, you’ll need an 18mm nail to make sure it fits properly.
Carb Cap
Short for carburetor cap, this helps regulate the airflow and pressure while trapping heat around domeless nails or bangers. The concentrate will be able to vaporize at a lower temperature, which helps retain its flavor and quality. While a carb cap isn’t obligatory when smoking dabs, it is extremely helpful in adjusting the airflow.
You’ll need something to heat up the dab, and a torch is a fast and effective way to do it. Many people use mini-torches that are commonly found in a kitchen, but you’ll have to keep a steady supply of propane to keep using them. An alternative to the traditional torch is an electronic nail or e-nail, which are heating devices that are digitally controlled. They provide consistent heating options when vaporizing a dab. While they’re expensive, they eliminate the need to stock up on propane for your torch.
When dabbing for the first time, it’s important to know the different equipment you can use so you’ll pick the one that best fits your needs. It’s also essential to understand the different sizes of dabs to make sure you choose the right amount. It’s always recommended to start out with the smallest size that your setup will allow, as you can always take more dabs to build on your hit. Now that you know the different ways you can dab, you’ll be able to explore another side of cannabis consumption full of exciting customization possibilities.
If you’re in the market for a beaker dab rig, you’ve come to the right place. M&M Tech manufactures and sells the highest quality of handmade glass dab rigs and bongs in the USA. Our products give you the cleanest and purest flavors with every hit. Pay a visit to our catalog and find your perfect bong today!
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