Dry Pipes vs. Water Pipes: A Smoker's Perfect Dilemma
Dry Pipes vs. Water Pipes: A Smoker's Perfect Dilemma
As laid back as the pot-smoking world may seem, various hot debates within it are as persistent and groundbreaking as the slowest-burning type of kush known to man.
Whether it’s dabs and traditional marijuana, shotgunning and hotboxing, or joints and bongs, the full assortment of ways to smoke have made way for discussions on “what’s better?” Over time, the different matters that stoners find themselves debating over are set to grow larger, seeing that nationwide legalization has made way for an overabundance of choices.
Now, while each debate poses a question that high-minded enthusiasts and connoisseurs find themselves pondering on, there’s one discussion many still seek answers to: “What should I buy, water pipes, or dry pipes?”
The history of the debate in question
Ever since man discovered fire, used it on herbs, and learned to enjoy it in various ways, the debate between water and dry pipes persisted as more smokers became fixated on their search for the perfect high.
Today, water and dry pipes come in different shapes, sizes, and material options, yet they remain as some of the most excellent ways to enjoy cannabis. Seeing that both of these tools come with their respective unique functions and benefits, it’s clear that many smokers find themselves in a long-winded debate on which one is worth the investment.
Answering the question and a side-by-side comparison
If you’re looking for an answer to which type of pipe is better, keep in mind that it all depends on the different options and factors that can be considered along the way. To best understand which type of pipe best suits your needs, let’s go over both options in further detail to get a better grasp of their specific functions, expected experiences, and bright spots:
A basic overview of dry pipes
Seen as the more straightforward option of the two, dry pipes are any smoker’s introduction to simple pop-smoking because of the way they only require fire to work.
Typically made out of clay, metal, wood, ceramic, or glass, dry pipes come in various forms but follow a “one-hole-in, one-hole-out” construction that gives them the simplicity they’re known and loved for. With its “tube” design, these smoking tools are seen as the gateway apparatuses because of how beginner-friendly they can get. After all, can it get any simpler than loading up a bowl, firing it up, and smoking away?
However, when it comes to drawbacks, the dry pipe’s most outstanding characteristic is also its biggest pitfall because the tube structure leaves smokers prone to drawing in harsher smoke and back blows of ash!
An introduction to water pipes
Water pipes (or bongs) are seen as a step up for any smoking experience because of how intricate the system produces top-quality smoking experiences.
Thanks to its innovative water and intricate tubing use, the average water pipe creates a far more desirable smoking experience because it cools down smoke and filters it to deliver smoother rips every time. The entire experience that you can get from opting for a bong—such as the intricate pieces from M&M Tech—is one of the biggest reasons many choose water pipes as their go-to smoking device!
Concerning pitfalls, the most significant disadvantage of using bongs is that it’s much heavier on maintenance because of all the intricate details that pop up. However, the cleaning experience is rewarding because taking care of your pipe means that it will also take care of your needs in the best way possible!
When it comes to choosing between dry pipes and water pipes, it’s crucial to note the numerous advantages and appropriate uses that come with each tool if you want to make the right choice. By taking note of this guide, you can ensure that your money is going in the right place so that you can have the best smoking experience every time!
Are you looking for a bong that best suits your pot-smoking needs? Check out our full range of waterpipes, downstems, and headys by visiting our online store today and placing your order!
Is there a cannabis enthusiast who hasn’t used a bong?
The whole idea behind M&M Tech! is LESS is more. Cannabis users shouldn’t have to need dozens of different percolators —especially in the 2000s, 2010s, 2020s and beyond.
You should be able to simplify your smoking routine, and pare down to just a few items that allow you to have your best sesh. That’s why our ice catch water bongs, are perfect for HUGE rips and amazing flavors! and our line of honeycomb percolators—known as “Lattices”—that are hand woven and provide the most amazing flavors ever
At M&M Tech!, we say “less is more as we sesh.” Our line is a super unique and hand made it can replace everything in your scientific glass collection
M&M Tech waterbongs come in a variety of colors and tube thickness. They start as low as $67 each and sold on the M&M Tech website.
M&M Tech products come in many styles to suite your needs from dabs to dry herbs. M&M Tech Starter Beaker , a small durable beaker featuring a ice pinch for cool, flavorful hits for dab or herbs; M&M Tech Fortress Beaker, a super thick glass bong for the most clumsiest of hands;M&M Tech Lattice OG, an hand made lattice percolator disc for maximum diffusion, cooling, and best flavors, when having a sesh