Why Is a Micro Dab Rig Better Than a Large Concentrate Pipe?
Why Is a Micro Dab Rig Better Than a Large Concentrate Pipe?
Why are concentrates so popular? That is because everything that everyone loves about weed, specifically the cannabinoids and terpenes, are bundled into a dense package. This means that one does not have to take in as much substance to enjoy all the effects.
One of the most popular ways to use concentrates is with a micro dab rig. Such a rig can vaporize the concentrates, allowing the user to take in all the substances without having to worry about burning the cannabinoids and terpenes.
With that said, you might have heard people saying a large concentrate pipe is best, while others are leaning toward a micro dab rig. Here’s why a micro dab rig is better:
1. Micro dab rigs are the healthier option
For the uninitiated, concentrate pipes require you to burn the substance, creating smoke that you breathe in. That, of course, is not as healthy as simply breathing in vapor, which something you do with micro dab rigs. Additionally, a micro dab rig acts as a healthier alternative, but the effects you get from using one are much more powerful and last a lot longer. With a micro dab rig, your hits are healthier and more potent.
2. Micro dab rigs are easier to use
Now, what happens if you place a large dab rig against a smaller dab rig? Is the bigger one better than the small one? Not necessarily. In fact, the smaller option would be the better option for most dab rig users for one reason: it is easier to use.
For instance, with larger rigs, you may be forced to do multiple inhalations before the vapor reaches your mouth. During this time, the vapor can go stale, meaning you want to get the full effect out of your concentrates.
On the other hand, smaller rigs allow you to inhale everything with minimal attempts. That allows for the full power of the concentrate to quickly make it to your lungs, not to mention that the vapor maintains its flavor much better due to less water used and reduced chances of over-diluting.
3. Micro dab rigs are much more convenient
Say you are a person who likes to travel a lot but want to bring the dab rig with you. The better choice would be to opt for a micro dab rig. Other than the fact that it is much easier to use and provides you with a more powerful drag, it is easier to store.
Likewise, with so many sizes, you can find one that fits your needs perfectly. For instance, if you have minimal space to bring the rig around, you can opt for one no taller than three inches. On the other hand, you can opt for ones as tall as 12 inches if you have enough space.
With a micro dab rig, you put in much less work for more benefits. The hits are more effective, and the flavors are fuller, something that every concentrate dabber out there wishes to achieve. With that, a micro dab rig is one of the best investments you can make for your hobby.
Are you looking to purchase dab rigs? From short tubes to larger rigs, M&M Tech has all the rigs you need to bring your vaping to a whole new level. Check out what we have to offer in the US market!
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