Smoking Marijuana with Friends: Can You Get Herpes from Sharing a Bong?
Smoking Marijuana with Friends: Can You Get Herpes from Sharing a Bong?
When it comes to the cannabis community, bongs have always been a perennial favorite out of all the paraphernalia popping up in the market through the years. It promotes the smoothest and cleanest hits, allowing anyone to make large draws and take the high to greater heights.
Beyond being cool and less irritating to your lungs, one of the greatest benefits of smoking using a bong is that it promotes a convivial vibe. When it comes to flying high with friends, the more, the merrier, right? But for conscious smokers who are hesitant to pass the bong around due to sanitary concerns, it begs the question: can you get diseases like herpes from sharing a bong?
Can You Get Herpes from Sharing a Bong?
Herpes is the kind of disease that people can contract through oral secretion, which means anyone who comes in physical contact with an infected person can get herpes. With that in mind, it makes sense that sharing a bong with a person who has herpes can transmit the disease to everyone who takes a hit in your group.
Keep in mind that you are likely to transmit herpes simplex type 1 (HSV-1), which is the most common form of herpes that is plaguing almost half of the American population.
It’s not as severe compared to genital herpes, also known as herpes simplex type 2 (HSV-2), though you don’t have to worry about transmitting this type of herpes since it only spreads through skin-on-skin contact.
How to Share a Bong Without Running Into Health Risks
It’s true that sharing a bong, joint, or pipe can spread diseases, but only if you don’t take the necessary steps to clean your equipment. The best way to share your high with other people is to sterilize the mouthpiece using alcoholic wipes.
This should be enough to disinfect it, though it’s always better to get high with a smaller group of people if you want to have a higher sense of control, especially during a pandemic. In a time of social distancing, it may be better to keep your bong to yourself or share it with as few people as possible.
The Bottom Line: Bong Hits - Sharing is Caring!
Just like many things, diseases and infections can easily spread if you don’t take the time to clean, sanitize, and disinfect your belongings. If you want to maximize the fun of getting high on ganja with friends, caring for your gears can make a world of difference in your experience and ensure everyone can safely enjoy their high.
Why Shop at M&M Tech?
If you’re looking for a colorful range of glass tech wholesale in the USA, browse our shop today! Our products strive to elevate your dabbing experience by combining durability, efficiency, and ingenuity in our designs.
From water bongs with ice catchers for a smooth lung hit to USA-made quartz banger, we’ve got you covered! Check us out today and see what we can offer to help you achieve a flawless 420 experience.
Is there a cannabis enthusiast who hasn’t used a bong?
The whole idea behind M&M Tech! is LESS is more. Cannabis users shouldn’t have to need dozens of different percolators —especially in the 2000s, 2010s, 2020s and beyond.
You should be able to simplify your smoking routine, and pare down to just a few items that allow you to have your best sesh. That’s why our ice catch water bongs, are perfect for HUGE rips and amazing flavors! and our line of honeycomb percolators—known as “Lattices”—that are hand woven and provide the most amazing flavors ever
At M&M Tech!, we say “less is more as we sesh.” Our line is a super unique and hand made it can replace everything in your scientific glass collection
M&M Tech waterbongs come in a variety of colors and tube thickness. They start as low as $67 each and sold on the M&M Tech website.
M&M Tech products come in many styles to suite your needs from dabs to dry herbs. M&M Tech Starter Beaker , a small durable beaker featuring a ice pinch for cool, flavorful hits for dab or herbs; M&M Tech Fortress Beaker, a super thick glass bong for the most clumsiest of hands;M&M Tech Lattice OG, an hand made lattice percolator disc for maximum diffusion, cooling, and best flavors, when having a sesh