5 Features of a Dab Rig That Gets You to Savor the Flavor
5 Features of a Dab Rig That Gets You to Savor the Flavor
Though bongs may be all the rage over dab rig converters, they aren’t an ideal method for smoking concentrates. Bongs soften the blow of thick cannabis smoke, whereas concentrates are milder and smoke better on more compact dab rigs. When shopping for a new piece, these are the five features you want to look out for.
Small Mouthpieces
Unlike smoking flowers, which require a large mouthpiece for taking in large hits, dab rigs incorporate nails instead of bowls, which allow air to constantly pass through. Without the need to clear a chamber, small mouthpieces allow you to get a true taste of the vapor.
Smaller Rigs
Even if you may be a fan of monster globs, substituting dab rigs for bongs has no real point, as there is constantly vapor pushing through the chamber. Adding volume just creates too much room for vapor to lose potency, dissipating it from the oxygen. Smaller glasses promise both taste and excellent delivery.
Water Filtration
If you’ve ever made the mistake of taking a tab out of a dry rig, you’ll know never to make it again. Though some rigs are manufactured to be used without water, we don’t recommend taking a lungful of concentrates without cooling your piece off first. If you’re on-the-go, keeping a waterless glass can be great for mobility and convenience, but not so much for daily use.
Less Percolation
Smoke is often harsh on the lungs and throat, regardless of what mechanism you’re using to smoke your goods. Percolation can help filter and cool your vapor with the use of water. Thus, keeping an internal glass percolator can come in handy and provide you with a smoother hit. Water is always great for dabbing, especially when smoking flowers but concentrates only require very little percolation. Use two or four-hole percolators so as to cool off your dabs without chopping up the water too much.
Glass Joints
Not every one glass joint is the same size. If you’re a regular smoker, you’ll know the difference between male and female joints and have probably experimented with 10, 14, and 18-millimeter sizes. The size of your joint will dictate airflow, whereas the sex determines which nail is best for your smoke.
If you’re using a smaller rig, consider a 10-millimeter sized joint to cater to more restriction. Female nails can sometimes become stuck to the glass and will occasionally drip reclaim on the outside of the joint but don’t worry—this can easily be avoided. Male nails, on the other hand, are less superior to titanium nails, which perform better in a dropdown to prevent the glass from expanding.
There are dozens of factors that play a role in shopping for the perfect dab rig. Remember, a dab rig isn’t your basic water pipe, so knowing its benefits and using it correctly can make all the difference when you smoke your favorite concentrates.
At M&M Tech, we boast an impressive line-up of high-quality dab rigs and water pipes that are perfect for your sessions. Shop with us now—we’re always looking for ways to make your tokes better every time.
Is there a cannabis enthusiast who hasn’t used a bong?
The whole idea behind M&M Tech! is LESS is more. Cannabis users shouldn’t have to need dozens of different percolators —especially in the 2000s, 2010s, 2020s and beyond.
You should be able to simplify your smoking routine, and pare down to just a few items that allow you to have your best sesh. That’s why our ice catch water bongs, are perfect for HUGE rips and amazing flavors! and our line of honeycomb percolators—known as “Lattices”—that are hand woven and provide the most amazing flavors ever
At M&M Tech!, we say “less is more as we sesh.” Our line is a super unique and hand made it can replace everything in your scientific glass collection
M&M Tech waterbongs come in a variety of colors and tube thickness. They start as low as $67 each and sold on the M&M Tech website.
M&M Tech products come in many styles to suite your needs from dabs to dry herbs. M&M Tech Starter Beaker , a small durable beaker featuring a ice pinch for cool, flavorful hits for dab or herbs; M&M Tech Fortress Beaker, a super thick glass bong for the most clumsiest of hands;M&M Tech Lattice OG, an hand made lattice percolator disc for maximum diffusion, cooling, and best flavors, when having a sesh