4 Common Mistakes Made By Beginner Dab Users
4 Common Mistakes Made By Beginner Dab Users
Dabbing is a big thing in today’s world of marijuana consumption. Ever since specific areas of the United States and other countries have legalized its use, the discovery of various methods to use the wonder plant has progressed at breakneck speed. Dabbing can be compared to food in terms of potency, as both of them have strong effects on the body when consumed pure.
Due to its popularity, products like monster dab rigs and dab bubblers are being snatched up because everyone wants to jump into the dabbing craze. While getting extra high sounds like a lot of fun, dabs are no joke and can cause some insanely uncomfortable sensations. Experienced dab users can tell you that treating a dab rig like your typical bong will likely give you a bad time, and everyone wants to have a good time with marijuana, right?
Here are four mistakes beginners make when purchasing their first dab bubblers and rigs:
1. Taking a Huge “Bong Rip”
If you have seen YouTube videos of gigantic bongs filled with smoke and instantaneously being slurped up, do NOT do this with dab bubblers. Dabbing is a potent THC source, which gives off an insane high to many first-time users. Being a concentrated source compared to the more dispersed nature of marijuana flowers and buds, using a dab rig is not the same as taking gigantic joint puffs.
Start with a small dose around the size of a breadcrumb (yes, it is that potent!) and work your way up over time to have a smooth transition into the world of dabbing. Going deep into the dab bubbler might cause paranoia due to THC’s strength in these products, so take it easy!
2. Not Inhaling the Vapor
Dab bubblers produce vapor instead of smoke, which means you need to inhale this slowly instead of swallowing it. Ingesting the vapor instead will irritate your throat and can cause vomiting and nausea. Remember that small puffs and slow inhalations will always be better than rushing a giant hit, so keep the steam in the dab rig instead of your mouth at all times.
3. Introducing the Nail to Extreme Heat
While the dab rig’s nail must be extra hot to vaporize the concentrated dabbing material, overheating it past 446°F (230°C) can cause the dabs to burn. When the material is burnt, it loses power and flavor, so be sure to heat the nail until it is red-hot, then wait for it to cool down until it reaches its original color.
4. Incorrectly Handling the Dab Rig
Dab rigs are a different ball game compared to your traditional bong. Beginners tend to hold the rig incorrectly and get burned by the nail, causing them to lose the dab and drop the dab bubbler. This item is made of high-quality glass and is not exactly cheap, so it pays to know how to hold one properly.
Starting with one hand wrapped around the base or main chamber, the other hand should be holding the nail with the dabbing concentrate. The rig is then brought up to the mouth and slightly pressed on to inhale the vapor produced. Those who have difficulties can ask for assistance from friends to hold the bubbler while they take a hit. Don’t worry; there’s no judgment there!
Dabbing is a great way to get high and is seen as the future of marijuana. With extreme potency at such small doses, this technique and product can benefit many people who want a new way to experience the wonderful world of weed. Be sure to enjoy responsibly and be well equipped to go through a dabbing experience!
Those looking to find out more about what dabbing is all about will benefit from a hand-made glass dab rig from M&M Tech. These beautiful works of art are more than just aesthetically pleasing, so get yourself some dabs and a fantastic rig to see a whole new side of marijuana today!
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