Cannabis Consumption: An Overview on Reverse Dabbing
Enthusiasts of cannabis recreationally have devised numerous ways to ingest the wonder herb. From traditionally smoking it through a joint, many have since then used bongs, vapes, and even dab rigs to personalize their preservation of the many flavors and sensations contained within cannabis.
Low-temp dabbing is typically achieved by pre-heating a nail and adding concentrates to it. However, there’s another method you can use to maintain the taste and raw flavor of your herbs. This is known as a cold start or reverse dabbing, which is quickly gaining popularity among cannabis enthusiasts.
Understanding the Practice of Reverse Dabbing
The practice of applying preloaded concentrate on cold surfaces isn’t a new method of taking in cannabis. Another similar method is health stone dabbing. With this, herbs are added to a porous stone in a nail, following the same principle. These techniques have been around before low-temperature dabbing nails were available in the market.
Reverse dabbing uses the two concepts above and reformats it to a younger generation of dabbers more acquainted with different dabbing equipment. In addition, with the popularity of borosilicates and quartz nails, this method is now easier to perform.
Weighing the Benefits of Reverse Dabbing
Reverse dabbing is excellent for people who want to taste a rich flavor from a low-temperature pull without heating and cooling every hit. It can work great for solo sessions where you just need a quick fix. Alternatively, this technique also works for long sessions.
Additionally, reverse dabbing reduces the wear on your nails. In contrast to traditional dabbing techniques, dabbing cold subjects your nail to less heat. This leads to a lower risk of breakage and instances of residual buildup. It’s a great choice if you’re using quartz nails or borosilicate directional caps.
Following the Process of Reverse Dabbing
It’s recommended to use a banger for reverse dabbing since its bucket design allows better distribution of heat. Since you’ll be warming concentrates on a cold surface, this is an optimal option. You can choose between standard quartz or thermal nails for your hardware of choice. With your dabbing gear on hand, load your concentrate onto the nail.
Make sure that the nail’s surface is spotless to avoid any residuals caked in from previous dabs. Afterward, apply the carb on the nail and ignite your torch. Slowly heat the underside several inches away and watch the concentrate until it bubbles into a vapor. Simmer down the torch, rotate the cap, and inhale. You should typically get one or two pulls with one prep.
Keep in mind that reverse dabbing has some level of risk, especially with your execution. There’s a chance the material left in the nail will be unusable for a next hit, making it a waste since you’ll need a clean surface for an authentic flavor profile. Additionally, reverse dabbing isn’t great for taking several dabs shared within a circle of friends. Since the cooling process takes time, it’s generally recommended for solo sessions and borosilicate nails.
Remember that every method of taking in cannabis has to work with the right tools and techniques. This is why you should only perform reverse dabbing with the right dabbing equipment on hand. If you’re a person who likes to take their time enjoying their cannabis, then reverse dabbing is the right technique for you.
Finding a reliable supplier will give you the right tools to experience better ways to taste cannabis. At M&M Tech, we can give you a wide range of
dab rig bundles to choose from. Shop from our product catalog today!
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