A Beginner’s Guide to How Percolator Bongs Work
Any form of cannabis consumption requires the application of heat, from lighting up a blunt to cooking cannabutter to vaping dabs. When you heat up cannabinoids, you cause a chemical reaction called decarboxylation. This makes the cannabinoids and terpenes absorbable for your body.
With bud, it’s as simple as turning to a lighter because it continues to burn by itself. However, with dabs, it’s a little more complicated. You could mix it with some bud and smoke it, but there are more efficient ways. Vaporizing is the best way to enjoy dabs. A dab rig will get you the cleanest hit, so if you’ve scored some good dabs, you should consider buying one.
Why Temperature Matters
Terpenes that give your dabs their distinct flavor come out at different temperatures. Low temperatures will yield more flavor at the expense of less powerful hits. At high temperatures, you’ll lose flavor in favor of stronger hits, so it all depends on what kind of dabbing experience you’re looking for.
0-300°F (-18-149°C) Too Little Heat
This temperature is much too low to get you high. You’ll get some THC (or CBD if that’s the dabs you prefer) and terpenes, but nothing worth writing home about.
300-450°F (149-232°C) Low Heat
For some people this is the most enjoyable temperature to hit dabs. At this temperature, it’s still gentle on your lungs. Terpenes love this temperature range.
- Caryophyllene is a spicy and woody terpene that becomes prominent at 390°F or 199°C
- Humulene is earthy and comes out on the hotter end at 435°F or 224°C
- Limonene, as the name suggests, is also citrusy with its lemon and orange flavors. This comes out at the 350°F or 177°C point.
- Linalool continues the fruity trend with its citrus notes, which you can enjoy at 388°F or 198°C.
- Myrcene is a terpene that is citrusy and herbal, and it comes out on the lower end of the spectrum at 330°F or 166°C.
- Pinene is like its name, smelling of pine wood at 420°F or 216°C
450-600°F (232-316°C) Medium Heat
This temperature strikes a balance between strong hits and flavor preservation. This is harsher than the previous temperatures mentioned, which can make you cough and take less hits as often. On the other hand, it’ll get the job done faster.
600-900°F (316-482°C) High Heat
This will produce an even harsher and stronger hit. You’ll definitely get a strong high, but it’ll cost you flavor. Unless you enjoy bitterness, the hit won’t be a tasty experience.
900+°F (482 °C and Up) Do You Like Charcoal?
This is far from ideal. This will result in an unpleasant, burnt-tasting hit that will probably leave you hacking your lungs out. Do not do this. Or do, if you like wasting perfectly good dabs.
Different temperatures will affect the taste and strength of your dab's hit. Lower temperatures will preserve the flavor, while higher temperatures will increase its impact. Ultimately it’s up to you to experiment and figure out which range you enjoy the most.
In need of a high-quality monster dab rig? Shop at M&M Tech today! We sell handcrafted glass dab rigs and bongs that we manufacture ourselves.
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