Bubblers and Bongs: Which Is the Better Water Pipe?
Bubblers and bongs are two of the most commonly used water pipes, yet they differ in many ways. They’re great for different reasons, so sometimes using them comes down to preferences. Still, their differences are worth noting, which is the goal of this article.
So if you’re looking to purchase a water pipe and can’t decide between the two, we’re here to help you out! Here are the advantages and disadvantages of bubblers and bongs, and which might be better for you.
What Is a Bubbler?
A bubbler is what you get when you mix a dry pipe and a bong. Simply put, it’s the in-between. However, it resembles a pipe in appearance and function more than a bong, the first stark contrast between the two.
A bubbler comprises a bowl, a mouthpiece, and sometimes a carb, much like dry pipes. Its key difference from the bong is that bubblers have fixed down steams for the most part. That means you can’t remove and clean them.
They usually come in a classic pipe appearance, like what Sherlock Holmes used to famously smoke. But recently, a small glass water pipe that looks a lot like a bong, but is actually a complex bubbler, has been introduced to the market.
What Is a Bong?
A bong is generally considered a step-up from the bubbler due to its complexity and prestige. They drastically differ from bubblers and pipes in appearance because they look and function like vertical pieces, which the former two do not.
Bongs comprise a mouthpiece, a chamber for water, and commonly need a separate bowl with down steam. There are many variations of the bong in the market, but its construction is uniform around the world.
Choosing Between Bubblers and Bongs
Not only do these two differ in appearance, but they also differ in function and effect on the user. Here are some of them:
1. Stronger High
Bongs provide a high stronger than what a bubbler can offer. They’re usually larger than bubblers, and so there’s more space between the bowl and the mouthpiece. That lets the user take larger hits compared to a bubbler.
2. Smoother Hit
Bubblers and most water pieces provide a smoother hit that’s less likely to make you cough, which is common for dry pipes.
3. Tasting Hit
Water pipes filter the smoke better than dry pipes do, giving the user a better-tasting hit.
4. Longer Smoke
Bongs have larger bowls, which makes them last longer compared to a bubbler or a pipe bowl. That makes the former much better for smoking, especially when you’re in large groups.
5. Tolerance
Some dry pipes or bubblers cannot meet the needs of users with a higher tolerance. So if you want something stronger, you should settle with a bong instead of a bubbler.
6. Stealth
Bubblers usually hit quieter than bongs. If you want to hide the noise while you smoke, a bubbler is a better choice for you.
Choosing between a bubbler and a bong might just come down to preference. Experience and tolerance as a user might also be a factor, so if you’re torn between the two, use our guide above to decide.
M&M Tech is a manufacturer and seller of handcrafted glass dab rigs and bongs. We are your go-to source of high-tech glass bongs, crafted with high-grade, USA-made glass, giving you the cleanest and purest flavors. If you’re looking for either a bubbler or a bong, we’ve got both for you! Check out our entire collection or call us at 1-844-M+M-TECH for assistance!
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