Debunking Common Misconceptions About Dabbing: Our Guide
In today’s world of pot-smoking, nothing has been a hotter topic for high-minded people and canna-connoisseurs than dabs.
Seen as a widespread and fast-rising figure in the worlds of marijuana, THC, and bong-ripping, these forms of marijuana have become an ultimate want and a figurative need for many. Dabs have only been around for a relatively short period compared to standard bags of reefer, grams of kush, and packs of edibles, but they have become a towering figure in today’s market.
If you’ve been searching for mind-blowing highs and new ways to explore the enticing benefits of cannabis and THC, then you’ve likely looked into the idea of trying and using dabs yourself. With all this talk about concentrates and the mind-altering effects they can provide, it’s impossible not to think about the many misconceptions associated with dabbing.
What Is a Dab?
Before we dabble (pun intended) into what you might know about dabbing that’s actually wrong, let’s first understand what this hot, new form of marijuana is. Dabs are a given quantity of wax-like concentrates that are much more compact and far stickier than a typical load of marijuana. What makes them so special is that they contain up to 90 percent THC, kept as such thanks to the steps involved in creating them.
Dabs are as potent as they are and look the way they do because they’re made through an organic solvent like butane to extract the THC from the plant material. After THC is extracted, the resulting solution is then polished through additional processes to become shatter, budder, or wax.
To smoke dabs (or simply do dabbing), you’ll need to use a dab rig, which is a device that’s very similar to a bong but has a few more intricate turns in the tubing and a titanium nail attached.
Debunking Common Misconceptions about Dabbing
Dabbing is relatively new to most of today’s stoners, which is why there are many misconceptions about it and its perceived risks and benefits. If you want to have a better idea of what dabs are and whether or not they belong in your cupboard of goodies, let’s go over some of the most common myths you should watch out for:
Myth #1: Dabs Are Unsafe
If we could crown the king of terrible myths perpetuated by the haters of The Devil’s Lettuce, this would be it.
Although dabbing itself has a few inherent points of caution that new smokers should be aware of, it’s very much safe because the average dab rig—such as those from M&M Tech—is far better at cooling smoke. On top of better cooling, dabs have been shown to put out far less “bad smoke” as they are vaporized instead of burnt, which leads to less unwanted chemicals getting in your hits.
Myth #2: You’re Going to Get Sick from Dabbing
A word to the wise: if you’re going to start smoking dabs, please start small. The main reason many beginners end up turning away from dabs is that they’re so used to getting THC in the form of bud. And when they get too much of the substance on their first dab, it leads to a very bad high.
Dab concentrates have three to four times as much THC compared to other forms of Mary Jane, so it’s best to start small to maximize your high with ease! Other than that, take note of the usual contraindications when it comes to inhaling THC.
There is much to enjoy when it comes to dabbing and enjoying the enhanced benefits of a dab, but it’s also no stranger to its fair share of myths and misconceptions. Fortunately, most anti-dabbing myths are mere smoke and mirrors and rarely hold true, so you can go ahead and rip a fat one from your shatter or wax-loaded bong for more mind-blowing highs!
Are you looking for an option that suits your pot-smoking needs? Have a look at our wide range of micro dab rigs, water pipes, downstems, and headys by visiting our store and placing your order today!
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